As they say, love is a choice, not a feeling. And today we’ll discuss the 7 love languages that will help you better understand your own self and your love for the other person in the relationship. Love is hard: we are all very different, and in order for two opposites to co-exist and to […]
So, there’s a special girl out there, a young lady that you’d die to be with, but you’re not really sure she’s into you? The following guide on how to know a girl likes you will help you better understand the body language of a woman and gain much-needed confidence. Remember: these are just hints, […]
When you’re in that cushy-mushy stage of your relationship, you’re probably already trying to come up with cute names for your boyfriend just to express your love for him the best way you can. Well, while that’s great and everything, sometimes, it would be wise to think it over in order not to offend him. […]
If you’re well past the one-night-stand/meaningless sex phase and are ready for something bigger, we’ve got 8 good questions to ask your girlfriend before committing. No, it doesn’t mean you can’t start a serious relationship with a young lady before she answers every single one of these questions. What we’re offering is a list of […]
When it comes to dating, it’s always hard to “put yourself out there”, because we usually try to look better in order to grab the attention of the people that we like. However, as it turns out, honesty is the best policy, and, even if it feels awkward and even a bit embarrassing at first, […]
What is love? People have been asking this question ever since the ancient times, and we still don’t have the answer. But one thing is clear: love is a choice, not a feeling, and in this post, we’ll give you 8 proofs of that claim. These simple, yet not always easy steps will help you […]
So, you just saw a guy across the street/in a bar/elsewhere but don’t really know how to go to him and say hello? Don’t worry: we’ve all been asking ourselves the same question – How do I introduce myself to a boy I like? The following simple, yet effective notes will help you better understand […]
During the teenage years, everything happens for the first time, and that’s equally exciting and frightening, especially when it comes to dating girls/boys. So, today, we’ll discuss 5 best first date ideas for teenagers. They might not be perfect for your situation, that’s true, but at least you will have some points of reference and […]
We all want to look and act cool when we talk to random strangers on the street/at a bar/elsewhere; however, it’s usually quite hard to be confident, especially if you don’t have any social skills. Don’t you worry, though, because, in this post, we’ll give you some down-to-Earth tips in plain and simple English that […]
Let’s admit it: most of us think that long distance love never really works. True, it is a pretty tough challenge for your relationship, and sometimes, it turns out to be the one thing that puts the final nail in the coffin. At the same time, it’s not as scary as they say it is, […]