Naoki Urasawa is not new to creating intriguing and captivating manga series. Right now, the legendary man is back with a brand-new franchise called Asadora. It was first introduced in the 45th issue of a highly popular magazine – WBCS (Weekly Big Comic Spirits). Furthermore, along with the physical copy, there’s also an Asadora! Manga […]
It’s no secret that the ladies are getting more and more interested in mobile games and the market these days is bigger than ever. That’s confirmed by the Stand My Heroes anime release date. The original game is so popular that the company decided to adapt it for the TV. They announced the premiere in […]
If you love bright, eccentric, and all-around fun TV series, then you’ll be excited to learn that Osomatsu-san is about to get its own film soon! Recently, the official website revealed the Osomatsu-san movie release date. Plus, there’s a trailer to keep you “warm” while the wait is over. Even though it’s more of a […]