In the 21st century, it’s not weird to be bisexual. In fact, the entire world is welcoming people to express themselves in any way possible, including the way they love and express their emotions. Today, we’ll help you define bisexual behavior with a series of simple, yet effective steps. Why would you even want to do that?

Well, maybe you have a very close friend that is struggling with his/her sexual identity. Or, there is a special someone in the same gender that you have feelings for and want to figure out whether they’d be interested to be with you. Finally, you might just be curious.

How To Approach This?

It’s not every day that you meet bisexual people, and that means you’ll need to be extra careful not to hurt their feelings. Some people are very open about their sexual preferences; others prefer to keep it all a secret and it’s a big deal for them (that’s especially true for men and women from religious families).

So, in your quest to define bisexual behavior, make sure not to hurt anyone. Besides, if the two of you are really close, you can just drop that Sherlock Holmes act and ask them bluntly. Alright, now it’s time for us to get right to it.

How To Define Bisexual Behavior – Our Guide

#1 – First Of All, Don’t Let Stereotypes Fool You

Let’s admit it: whenever you see a man/woman with facial features that stand out (a weird hair style/color, tons of piercing, tattoos), you instantly assume that they’re either gay or bisexual. But that’s not always true, and if you fall victim to the stereotypes, you’ll constantly fail at recognizing the true bi girls and boys. Women with short hair or a strong will aren’t necessarily gay; the same goes for fellas that love soapy operas.

#2 – Note Whether They Say He/She, Or Use “Shady” Terms

Usually, people from the LGBT community prefer to use terms like “we”, “they”, “partner”, and such that hide the gender of their loved ones/dates. Plus, they rarely use any names, which, again, allows them not to be specific. And while this doesn’t 100% define bisexual behavior, it would be wise to note whether they’re ambiguous when it comes to their partners or not.

#3 – Talk About Bisexuality – Start Gently

Don’t just burst it out the second you see them on the street – approach this topic slowly and bring it up casually. The best thing to do here would be to talk about gay/bisexual people in a positive way. Thus, you’ll let them know that you won’t judge their orientation. Talk about famous folks that made a coming out and praise them for how brave and strong they are.

#4 – Discuss People Of Their Gender In A Sexy Way

Phrases like “she’s great” or “he’s a solid dude” won’t cut it. You’ll need to be specific, meaning accentuate the fact that they are attractive. Then, watch how they react. It will become immediately obvious whether they’re sexually attracted to people of the same sex or not. But be careful, though, because in your attempt to “figure them out”, you might leave a wrong impression (that you’re also bi, for example).

#5 – Ask About Their Favorite Movies/Shows

For bisexual people, it’s important to find series/movies/video games/books that support their sexual identity. So, if they’re mostly talking about stories that involve LBGT folks, that might be an indication that they are, indeed, bi.

True, someone’s fascination with LGBT-friendly media doesn’t necessarily define bisexual behavior, but, in some cases, it does. Again, be careful with your assumptions and try to be as supportive as you can.

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